Sunday, November 16, 2008
Some random thoughts.
So I'm just sitting around this evening with all these random thoughts floating around in my head. First of all I wanna brag a little. I was driving out to the store last night and I always pass by this gas station right by our house, it tends to be one of the cheapest in the city, and last night I almost crashed because I couldn't believe what I saw. Gas was down to $1.86!!!! It was so awesome! So it gave me hope that things will be getting back to normal economy wise. Everyone has been so down and everyone I know has been having financial issues. So I'm hoping that things will start to pick up. I know money isn't everything but having one less thing to worry about sure makes me happy! I also was thinking how bored I am lately. I took three weeks off of school to just take a moment and chill, spend time with the kids, and get some stuff in order, but I'm bored having nothing to do. I decided that I'm the kind of person who gets more done when things are crazy and hectic! I work better under pressure. I like to juggle and keep busy. Chris is so the opposite it's funny, but I think we do pretty well to find a balance and compromise. I realized today that with out the pressure of school I did not really get anything done on my list of what I wanted to do. Now I'm in my last week and I bet you I'll find a way to cram it all into this last week...cuz I like it crazy! My final thought for today is that I miss home! Me and Chris want to move back so badly! But we're just not sure it's the right thing to do. We've been doing really good lately to suppress those feelings and move on with life but it's getting harder and harder. It seems like every time we talk to someone from Utah everyone has something great going on that we're missing and desperately want to be a part of! It's a difficult choice because our hearts are in Utah, and if it were just us we'd move but I just can not bear to separate my family from the kids and visa verse. Everyone is so attached and I don't have the heart to do it to either one of them. Carson is torn too. He tells me everyday he wants to be with his uncles, aunts and his grandparents in Utah but I tell him that means we'd have to be far away from our family here and he cries. I miss him having that family around him. They were good for him. Me and Chris like it here in Texas but we feel like our lives are in Utah and we feel like we're just missing everything that's going on hurts. We'll pray about it and see what happens. For now that's all.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Tag times 3
3 Joys
My husband
My kids
Spending quality time together as a family
3 Fears
Not being the mom that my kids deserve
Not being the wife my husband deserves
That in worrying so much about the future that I miss out on the present
3 Goals
To always try to make it happy
To take steps to stregthen our family (spiritually, financially...)
To spend more time together as a family
3 Current Obsessions
Doing crafts with my kids
3 Regrets
I try hard to live my life without regrets. Me and Chris have a mantra, "Make your choice and then live with it and move on." We try to live life like that and not dwell on the past. If I had to pick out a regret it would be:
Not getting my teaching degree when I first went to college
Leaving Logan
Not spending more time with my friends in Utah (Jamie that means you) when I had the chance.
3 Facts About Me
I love to travel
I am currently in Grad School getting a teaching degree
I make lists for everything and have a wall of lists
3 Annoyances
When my house is dirty or cluttered
That there are never enough hours in the day
People who like to comment on that fact that I have three kids or look at me funny in the grocery store (it's like unnatural to people here in Texas that we are so young and married and that we have three kids...we're like a freak show)
I tag Jamie.
3 Joys
My husband
My kids
Spending quality time together as a family
3 Fears
Not being the mom that my kids deserve
Not being the wife my husband deserves
That in worrying so much about the future that I miss out on the present
3 Goals
To always try to make it happy
To take steps to stregthen our family (spiritually, financially...)
To spend more time together as a family
3 Current Obsessions
Doing crafts with my kids
3 Regrets
I try hard to live my life without regrets. Me and Chris have a mantra, "Make your choice and then live with it and move on." We try to live life like that and not dwell on the past. If I had to pick out a regret it would be:
Not getting my teaching degree when I first went to college
Leaving Logan
Not spending more time with my friends in Utah (Jamie that means you) when I had the chance.
3 Facts About Me
I love to travel
I am currently in Grad School getting a teaching degree
I make lists for everything and have a wall of lists
3 Annoyances
When my house is dirty or cluttered
That there are never enough hours in the day
People who like to comment on that fact that I have three kids or look at me funny in the grocery store (it's like unnatural to people here in Texas that we are so young and married and that we have three kids...we're like a freak show)
I tag Jamie.
Missing cooler weather
So it's crazy to me how much I've changed in the last seven and a half years. I got married, had three kids, graduated from college, on and on and on.Perhaps the most shocking change however has been my change in climate preference. Anyone who really knows me though that I would rather be hot and sweating then cold, but they also know that I am always cold. No matter what the temp is outside or inside I am always cold! It's a weird phenomenon that stumps everyone who knows me. I grew up in Texas where despite the warm climate I found a way to still always be cold. In the middle of the summer I would were a sweater always. When I moved to Utah after high school I had to buy an entire winter wardrobe because I only had warm weather clothes. Dont get me wrong it gets cold in Texas, but not super cold and not for very long. I remember my college roommate Kayla from Minnesota was astonished at the lack of socks I had because I could seriously wear flip flops almost year round. Anyways I suffered in Utah with the cold. It drove me nuts! The winters were hard on me, but slowly over the six years I was there winter clothes began taking the place of summer clothes and I became a little more okay with the cold weather and the idea of four seasons not just hot and slightly less hot. Though actually Utah only has three seasons because to truly be spring I'm pretty sure you need rain. Anyways, being in Texas this last year has really opened my eyes to how much I changed. We moved in November so it was already to that slightly less hot season and we had our winter gear out, when summer came around and the winter clothes got put away I realized how empty my closet was. I had to rebuild myself a warm clothes stock pile. I enjoyed the summer months that I had longed for in Utah until about September. That's when it really hit me. I began longing for cooler nights, and for the leaves to change and for fall. (My absolute favorite time of year!!!) It never happened, it remained in the 90's and 80s. October came and went flirting with the cold, but it never would stick for too long before it climbed back up into the 80s. Finally just this last week the leaves finally changed in NOvember)though it's still been in the 80s, we've had cooler nights and mornings, and more boughts of cooler gives me hope that soon it'll finally be winter, though a mild, Texas winter. I also realized that before I would always sleep with the air off at night and a big down comforter no matter how hot it was, I loved being toasty when I slept. Sure I'd wake up sweating, but I loved it. Since we moved here I noticed that I can't stand being hot when I'm sleeping. I crank up the air only at night I can pretty much get through all day with it off and I'm fine for some reason at night I'm like always super hot! It's wierd how much time changes us. I realized how much I miss Utah, and the winters, and the cool nights. Maybe someday we'll get to finally come home!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Apartment Woes.
So we had the worst week last week! Chris had his brother in town and they had taken my brothers and Carson and gone to a Dallas Stars hockey game, meanwhile I was at my parents house working on a project for them. Chris made it home late that night, oh it was last Saturday the 18th, and calls me saying that our apartment was flooded. That he had come home and the master bathroom was flooded with an inch of water and the carpets in the bedroom and all were wet. He called and they told him that a lady on the third floor moved out and broken a pipe when she unhooked her washer from the apartment. They told him that the water had been turned off and that there would be no more water and that it would not get any worse and that the next day they would come and bring some fans to dry up the water. I ended up staying at my folks that night and the next day when I came home Chris greeted me at the door with a look on his face like I've never seen. That moring he and Nick woke up and it was soooo much worse! The carpets over a third of our apartment were soaked up to like the top of the baseboards, the ceilings were dripping, and you could hear the water rushing down the inside of the walls. It was horrible so I packed up the kids and we had to move into my parents house for a week. Needless to say the pipe was broken down farther than they thought, and the water had not been turned off properly. It took the entire week for them to fix up are apartment. We're currently in negotiations with them for some sort of compensation or new apartment. It's liveable now finally but wow it was bad! I'm worried about mold. Anyway it was a tough, trying week, but we made it through it. I'm thankful to my parents for taking us all in for a week. I just realized even more that I am so tired of apartment living!!!! I'm holding on to the hope that someday we will be able to buy a house. Still the problem is that we dont know where Chris will get into dental school so we are scared to buy. We dont want to move and get stuck with a house we can't sell. So someday when we move to wherever Chris gets into we'll finally hopefully buy a house! I can't wait!
Monday, October 13, 2008
My Man...the love of my life!
So I was tagged so here goes.
What is your husband's name? Christopher Gary Burt
How long have you been married? Six wonderful years this December, but we've been together for seven.
How long did you date? Before we got engaged we dated for 9 months and by the time we were married we'd been together for 15 months. Short by some standards, long by others it depends who you talk to. For us it was perfect! We knew each other pretty well and there weren't many surprises after we got married! We both went in knowing what we were getting into...and we still went through with it...that's true love!
How old is he? Chris just turned 28 in April.
Who eats more sweets? Chris does for sure! No question!!
Who said I love you first? Chris did, it's actually a sore subject for him, I wasn't ready to hear that and it took me off guard so I didn't know how to respond so I just said "Thank You." And it took me a few days to be able to say it back to him.
Who is taller? Chris is taller. I'm 5'2 so everyone is pretty much taller than me.
Who can sing the best? Oh it's gotta be me! He's not bad though.
Who is smarter? Wow that's tough. I'd never say either of us was smarter than the other. I'd say we are equals. I'm smarter at somethings, and he's smarter than me at others, generally my weak points are his strong suits and visa versa so we compliment each other well.
Who does the laundry? Oh for sure that's me...Chris is actually banned from doing any laundry! I don't trust him to wash my clothes or anyone else's for that matter!
Who pays the bills? Without question it's me!!! Chris is not good with money! He lacks the fundamental part of the brain that can responsibly deal with money. When I met him his finances were a mess! He never learned how to budget or be responsible for money. So it's me all the way. To give him credit, he is getting better.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I sleep on the right side of the bed, however it changes every time we move to a new apartment. It's not really a matter of a preference to a side of the bed it actually deals more with which side is closer to the bathroom. I used to have to sleep on the side that was farther away from the door, but for three years I was pregnant and had to get up frequently in the night so it became more about which side was closer to the bathroom and to the kids when they would wake up in the night.
Who mows the lawn? Well we still rent so luckily neither of us do, but when we finally do have a house it will not be me that's all I know...maybe I can get one of my dad's guys to mow my lawn.
Who cooks dinner? During the week I do mostly, but Chris never expects me too if I don't start it he will. I plan out the meals for the week ahead of time so he knows what to make. During the weekends he'll usually cook or else we go out.
Who drives? Chris does I hate driving I get lost everywhere I go and then I end up it's just easier for him to drive!
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Oh that is Chris for sure he's good about that, he'll even admit he's wrong when I'm the one in the wrong for the sake of not arguing anymore. We can never stay mad for longer than an hour it's just not worth it to be've got to Make it happy! I've been trying to do better though about owning up to my faults.
Who kissed who first? You know I'm not sure, I think it was a simultaneous thing we both just went in for it. I still remember it, it was great! was on our first date! But in all fairness it was after an Aggie football game and they won!
Who asked who out first? I had to make the first move here. I asked Chris out to an Aggie Football game. But I mean I gave him pleanty of opportunities to step up and make a move...the boy moved to slow for me, so I finally pulled the trigger! Luckily he likes a strong woman!
Who wears the pants? I wear the pants for sure! Chris would not even begin to wish he wore the pants. He's a very carefree kind of guy who likes to have a minimal amount of responsibility on his shoulders. He takes care of the necessary essentials for the family and I handle the rest, but he gladly helps me out with whatever I need and he's always there for me!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
What happend?
So I hate that now I've become this person who cares about how I look. Not like I never cared, I mean I was always presentable and I pride myself on being cute, but in the way like I never used to be unhappy with my body. I was never the girl who was like oh I look fat, I'm ugly, I'm weird or whatever. But now sadly I am that girl...I mean in my defense things have changed, and pregnancy has left me with the fact that I don't weigh what I did when I got married, I do have a little belly I can't get rid of no matter how hard i try, I've got this little bit of skin under my belly that's just been stretched and now is just there, I've got stretch marks like everywhere places I didn't even know I had stretched in pregnancy, and my boobs, let dont even get started. Having three kids right smack in a row without having time to heal, and even then I'm sure, has definently taken it's toll on my body! I mean Look for real! Granted I know it could be worse and I've seen worse. I know some people are like what is your problem, but for me personally I'm not what I was and it's hard. Any how i'm learning to come to terms with it, and I've added a section called "A few of my favs." it's a list of links and products that I love so take a look and enjoy.
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